Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dog receives communion - people outraged


So a man and his 5-year old pooch, Trapper, walk into an Anglican church in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and the man wants communion. Nothing wrong with that - right? Think so? The priest welcomed the pair and when it was time for the human to receive communion, his dog followed him. The priest, Margaret Rea, didn't see anything wrong with giving both human and pooch communion, an act which is causing an uproar.

Rea said she had nothing to add to the apology she has already offered to her congregation.

"The incident is done, it's over and I have no more comment about it," she told AFP. "I am not going to discuss anything about it."

Thing is, presumably, the offense is giving a non-human communion. One wonders if the Higher Power finds it as equally offensive as some church members. The whole incident has made some people smile but one parishioner took it further and filed a complaint with the Toronto Diocese.

There's a nice photo of Trapper who is luckily oblivious over the stir he caused here:

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