Tuesday, June 19, 2007


NOTE TO MYSELF: Sometimes you just don't get no respect

Once upon a time there was a planet named Pluto, who had some respect among eight other orbiting planets. It was considered a planet with some clout. However, as experts are known to do, last year some astronmers who are part of the International Astronomical Union that have power to make important decisions, resolved to strip Pluto of its planetary status at a meeting to debate the origin of the cosmos.

This is important stuff in the grand scheme of things.

When all the talk ended poor Pluto (the planet) was re-classified as a dwarf planet due to the discovery of Eris, a similar body created of rock and ice. In spite of this new reality Pluto was still considered the heftiest solar system object found beyond Neptune. In other words it was bad news but not that bad. At least that was the assumption until yet another recent discovery.

Now comes the news that weighing in at 16.6 billion trillion kilograms, heavenly body Eris is 27% more massive than Pluto. Eris, which has a small moon, has a diameter of 2400 kilometres, which is slightly larger than Pluto's 2270 kilometres. So now Pluto has received yet another blow to the relevance of its existence and importance among planets.

One wonders how this will affect horoscopes if at all. For example if a formerly important planet is demoted and its importance diminished, what would be the end result? In checking out this possibility, one particular horoscope had this to say about the subject:

"The presence and direction of Pluto's energy are never obvious until it is used. Pluto's influence in any sign is interpreted as generational or historical. In your personal life, Pluto's significance is interpreted from its house position and the aspects it makes to other natal planets in your horoscope. Pluto rules intense energy, and describes the areas in which you consciously or subconsciously seek to exercise power or control. Pluto is also linked to your karmic responsibility."

Another question worth pondering or at least thinking about, is will the Disney people now change the name of the 'toon dog, Pluto, to Eris?

Will things ever be the same again in the universe?



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