Thursday, April 26, 2007


NOTE TO SELF: "The View" won't be the same without Rosie

Never was a big fan of "The View" that is until Rosie O'Donnell stopped by and stayed for a year. Although some would say she's over-opionated and abrasive, I found her refreshing and a definite asset to the show.

Although Meredith Vieira was 'okay', once she moved on, the show just kind-of was...there, period. No spark and bordering on blechy.

As a former watcher of O'Donnell's talk show, it was personally very uplifting to note her addition to the show. Never shying away from controversy her squabble with "The Donald" for example, made the show that much more watchable and fun. The fact that Trump responded so quickly and negatively to her comments made Rosie's presence a "must watch," reflected in the high ratings she brought to the show.

Can I get excited when Barbara Walters et al voice their opinions about...stuff? Not really. Will I continue to watch the show? Unlikely.

Now Rosie is bidding adieu in June. Too bad but then maybe - just maybe - she'll go back to doing her own talk show and The View will be a distant or pale memory for most of us.

Writers & Friends

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